INTELLIGENCE CODE (Book 1. Arena of Great Heroes) is on GOODREADS now!

Please check out my Epilogue
"Religious and Mythical Relativism for Inter-Religious Peace and Communication"
(within a context of a fictional re-construction of heroes' unending rebirths and struggles from their karma)
"This post script was written to give you a better and more comprehensive approach to understanding this fiction based on the facts. My main point is 'LETTING READERS EXPERIENCE A HOLISTIC VIEW, NOT BIASED' about religious ethics and heroism in the world."
- BJ Avilla
To explain the title 'INTELLIGENCE CODE', the 'INTELLIGENCE' refers to military and political secret information mainly based on the U.S. settings in this novel. On the other hand, the 'CODE' has double meanings in the story on the basis of a dictionary definition. The first one refers to a system for communication and a set of symbolized contents or messages, AROUND MANY RELIGIOUS TRADITIONS as shown in this story, which needs to be deciphered if necessary. The second implication refers to a systematically arranged collection or compendium of laws, rules, or regulations for the MYTHICAL HEROES. In this story, the term 'intelligence code' leans more towards the second implications, as 'INFORMATION FOR THE COLLECTIVE RULES AND LAWS IN TERMS OF HEROIC ETHICS' while the story was written to decipher the code revealed in the symbol, Triskelion of the Celtic religion, Druidry.
The geographical backgrounds of this story refer to more than six to seven countries. Among them, the following three are the most important and meaningful ones, explaining the main messages for the idea of inter-religious peace: Ireland (Northern Ireland & Republic of Ireland), Israel or Palestine, and Kashmir. The three areas share similar histories of the most tense and violent warfare and military situations caused mainly by inter-religious conflicts and lack of practical inter-communications between the groups. Although the conflicts started simply with different political and religious views, the situations from these three areas have covered the most tragic pages in the history of human being. To explain the nature of the conflicts, the closer the two groups of people are related in terms of religion, culture, ethnicity, the more severe and bloody wars and battles are to be observed through history by their exchanging endless violence and inter-terrorism between the two. Although it is very hard to say which side was or is right, the results brought so many disasters and unhappiness even to non-religious and non-political civilians, which have been antagonizing their religious ideal and original teachings.
One of the most important messages in this novel is in the revelation of the real features and phenomena of historical and mythical heroes, which were believed to bring ultimate peace to everyone on their own side. However, heroism didn't always bring the religious harmony or peaceful results most of the time because of political pollution or personal schemes as was shown in the case of the protagonist, Thomas Collins of P.I.R.A, who has been regarded as the violent terrorist for the Irish Independence.
The main character in this novel was born out of the Irish Celtic heritage, P.I.R.A.'s general Thomas Collins. He was described as a perverted hero, wishing to achieve the legendary power of King Arthur by successfully retrieving the holy sword, Excalibur. However, the depiction was not for emphasizing the failure of a hero from a specific tradition. Rather, Thomas Collins' pervertedness was exaggerated to reveal other misguided and corrupted mythical heroism from the so-called major religious traditions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islamism etc. Among the religious traditions, political or secular Zionism, the antagonist, was regarded as the most evil one while the ultra-orthodox Jewish, Haredi was against Zionism, by regarding the Zionism of the State of Israel as Illuministic Luciferianism. The biggest twist in the beginning of the story is that the Irish general of the P.I.R.A., Thomas Collins was regarded as a hero by the Haredi Jews, who was prophesized as a savior by the prophet Yuz Asaf.
Therefore he brought out the Haredis to their old territory in Kashmir, as a reincarnation of King Arthur. While Collins searched for the invincible power of Excalibur, the Haredi Jews successfully rebuilt their own territory in Kashmir, which tentatively brought peace to one of the most conflictive areas being causing religious and political disagreement between different religions. This could be seen as the second twist in this story. To explain more about the characters of the novel, there were two antagonists to Collins: Kevin Remiscu and Irene Shannare. Remiscu was Collins's old friend who was an alumni at the British Royal Academy, but later Remiscu became a U.S. military general; Remiscu, as a general of the U.S. army fought against Collins at the end. Irene was Thomas' wife, and had worked for Collins and P.I.R.A. by developing viral weapons with the highest fatality rate ever. However, in the end, Irene helped Remiscu to defeat the perverted Irish hero/ her husband, Collins with the power of her Druid magic, as a descendent of the great Druids.
While the religious conflicts and mythical heroism can be perceived as the two major pillars for setting up the story, the mythical spice with the concept of 'reincarnation' enriches the flow of the story and dramatization. Thomas Collins was a reincarnation of King Arthur while Irene Shannare was one of Lady of the Lake from the story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, who had given Excalibur to King Arthur and taken it back from him. Also, Kevin Remiscu was a reincarnation of Sir Galahad who retrieved the Holy Grail and the Holy Lance. During the one-on-one fight scene at Lake Manasarovar, Collins fights with Remiscu as a reincarnation of King Arthur with Excalibur, but Remiscu defeats Collins as a reincarnation of Sir Galahad, who was more ethically sound and morally stable. With the help of Irene as a reincarnation of Lady of the Lake, who was also the grandmother of Galahad, Remiscu successfully defeated Thomas, who was currently the most threatening danger to the world. 'Rebirth' is a concept based on Indian philosophy such as Buddhism and Hinduism as well as the Druid religion, who emphasized respect and being intimate to understand nature more in depth as our fundamental basis. In short, the 'INTELLIGENCE CODE' is trying to show the results of our actions including our heroes' through the forms of rebirths and reincarnations that are unavoidable as Karma or 'Karmic Power' regardless of religious beliefs or backgrounds.
The battle between Collins and Remiscu resulted in both of them killing each other. Meanwhile, Irene was sent to the U.S. invited by the U.S. president. In the U.S., the descendants of the Druids and the Luciferian Illuminati were in conflict, which drove the U.S. into complete Chaos. The member of the Black Druidry, and the evil scientist, Dr. Morris stole the U.S. intelligence and flew to North Korea, which will be continued in the next series of this story. As an author, I promise to develop the entire story of 'Karma' between the religious groups and 'Reincarnation' of the three main characters, Collins, Remiscu, and Shannare in the continuing series, although the physical backgrounds are changing and the three main characters were all killed.
The most important message in this novel is on the emphasis on the 'relative viewpoints of religious truth or ethics', revealed through many different episodes regarding religious figures and heroes. To do that, it could be suggested that we need to be more flexible in understanding and accepting different religious teachings and messages. For example, this novel attempted to reveal different historical aspects of Jesus Christ and his life, mainly as a life of a prophet. Although it is not possible to see Jesus as a historical figure with human nature in terms of Christian theology, it is necessary to research his life from many different aspects in order to understand his real message and teachings even for people with different religious beliefs. In this novel, Jesus Christ was mostly referred to as 'Yeshua' with the intention to show his life as a Jewish prophet in a fiction setting. Meanwhile, he was called Yuz Asaf (means 'the Son of Joseph' in Persian) by the Haredi Rabbis in this novel, which was more based on Persian or Babylonian tradition. In India and Kashmir, he was called, Issa or Isha that refers to 'Ishwara' in Sanskrit, which means 'God' or 'All knowing'. Commonly through the different religious traditions or cultural setting, he was regarded as a prophet or teacher, who delivered a message of peace and equality throughout the entire novel. By dramatizing his life in many fictional settings and contexts, it was possible to flourish the meaning of Jesus Christ's life and messages rather than by confining his meaning within the strict context of the Christian theology, which could have been manipulated and deviated by their political scheme of the ancient Roman Empire. In short, it is more important to regard different and fresh aspects of your own and others' religious truths rather than adhere to only the tradition or theologian view of religious truth or ethics in order to realize a better 'inter-religious harmony and communications'.
Through the religious conflicts and the clashes of the heroes, moreover, this novel was intended to emphasize that the conflicts between the religions shouldn't be accepted as desirable when they use violence or assault to ensure their own religious and political justice. If any violence or exploitation was applied in favor of any group, the religious groups or the heroes are be defined as 'evil' or 'Luciferian' followers as was shown in the case of the actions made by the secular Jews or Zionists against Palestine.
The message for the inter-religious peace and the relative view of truth is to be summarized as the prophet Yeshua's last words, fictionally given in this story (#51 on this novel).
"Please don't sacrifice others' love for protecting what you love.
Please don't sacrifice others' peace for securing your peace.
Please don't sacrifice others' freedom for keeping your freedom."
Please check out the ON-LINE BROCHURE OF THE NOVEL! -
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