Sunday, October 6, 2013

What is 'magical realism' and the fictional application into 'INTELLIGENCE CODE'.

The dictionary definition of 'magical realism' - 

"Magic realism or magical realism is a genre where magic elements are a natural part in an otherwise mundane, realistic environment. Although it is most commonly used as a literary genre, magic realism also applies to film and the visual arts. One example of magic realism occurs when a character in the story continues to be alive beyond the normal length of life and this is subtly depicted by the character being present throughout many generations. On the surface the story has no clear magical attributes and everything is conveyed in a real setting, but such a character breaks the rules of our real world. The author may give precise details of the real world such as the date of birth of a reference character and the army recruitment age, but such facts help to define an age for the fantastic character of the story that would turn out to be an abnormal occurrence like someone living for two hundred years."
 (From Wikipedia, 'magical realism')

1) The key aspect of the magical realism in the novel, INTELLIGENCE CODE is the theme of 'Reincarnation' and 'Rebirth'. 

The main character, Thomas Collins of PIRA is working as he believes himself as a reincarnation of King Arthur. Since Collins had listened a story of Celtic myth from his grandfather that believed the Irish as a descendant of real Celts, Collins decided to be a great warrior to retrieve Excalibur. He went to the British Royal Military Academy to realize his dream. After getting married to Irene Shannare, he even strengthened his dream to become a warrior or a hero to conquer the world thanks to Irene's magical power and her knowledge to produce bio-chemical weapon.
Also, the antagonist, Kevin Remiscu, who is an old friend of Collins, acts as an reincarnation of Sir (or King) Galahad. Thanks to the help of Irene, Remiscu reincarnates as King Galahad, who used to retrieve the Holy Grail; Galahad was selected as the only person who could defeat Collins by Lady of the Lake.

2) The other key point of the magical realism in the novel is adopting the concept of 'Karma' 

Karma is the concept of "action" or "deed", understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect (i.e., the cycle called saṃsāra). Originating in ancient India, Karma is part of Hindu, Jain, Buddhist and Sikh philosophies. 
In this novel, the concept of Karma accompanies one of the most important ethical contexts.
As King Arthur committed some moral mistakes when he chose Excalibur, Collins also made similar mistakes when he acts as a reincarnation of King Arthur; furthermore, he made more mistakes by enhancing his ambition to conquer the world, as a perverted hero. 
The theme of 'Karma' as magical realism is one of the most important spices that make this novel fresh and  unique as was shown to the tragic conclusion to Collins and his ambition.

3) Most importantly, the main them for magical realism is from the Druid magic.

As a reincarnation of Viviane, Irene had practiced her magic since she was very young. However, it is very important to notice the ideology is originally to understand and work with the nature and human being.
This novel tells that the ethical issues that may lie on every magician could drive their pure intention of using magic into a wicked way. Irene chose not to help her husband Collins, but she couldn't overcome her ethical defects toward her magical indulgence and attachment through her lives even from her past life.

Check the novel to see the fictional application of 'magical realism' in 'INTELLIGENCE CODE' -

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